The statue
It was two years back that I went to that place.It was a small village in the middle of cotton fields.The people there were relying on a town at about 3 miles away.Their everyday job is to remove the seeds in the cotton bunches and to spin the cotton to sell it at the weekend fairs.I stayed for about 5 days in this place at that time .There is a small story to tell about that village. There was a small statue in the middle of the schoolground.It was kept exactly at about 20 years ago by a poor freedom fighter.He had kept the statue of a women who had died in the freedom struggle.But all the village heads did not accept this and tried to demolish it.There was also a postmaster who had tried to safe guard it and prevented any intruders into the school. It was thus handed down to the teachers each year and they built four walls surrounding it and converted it into a school stage.Thus the lion lady who lost her life in the freedom struggle became the first person in the minds of small poor...