Real Dreams
One day i was struck with a question in my mind. Do humans dream or they realize dreams. There came across my mind different views about the same. I thought many of us usually live in real dreams.They dream through the whole day or night and reach their goals. Dream is itself a scene of undefinable objects with you viewing you as a participant.You live your life and too realize your dreams coming true.I too thought about the gift of God who has given this monotonous objective realization of dreams and makes our life.What a wonerful creation that god destined on us to live and realize our dreams.It usually happens in our childhood when our parents buy us whatever we want.When we are really happy. There comes our next step to make our parents wishes to be realized when we realize our parent's life.Then we make our life to be fullfilled for us when we think somethink for us. Then we live for our children.Then we live for the World.It happens with or without everybodies notice.We have ...