Who Seperated Lives

Have you ever seen the twlight,
Beyond horizon,
Above the reachable eyes,
Having stood same for all
Of all around the world.
For all it's veins longing for the sight.
Have we ever lived soulfully-
For all the days until the end.
Does nature ever divided lives,
By differentiating its presence,
And distinguishing it's colour from one to another person.
But why does the world divides lives for ever
Caste, Creed , Colour and Race.
Filling veins with gush of hatred-
From one to another
And filling hearts with selfishness.
Do we to care for the loss of one another
If we are rich enough to see the twilight
If the others ever cry at the sky
If the others die for the lack of living lines.
Should we all care for our neighbours
If they face a difficult living.
If we see the vision of the world
Should we all live alike and lead;
Behind us all of timely massacres
By managing lost lives beyond our walls;
It is possible to reach the vision of our lives-
If we foresee the torture to other losses too.
"come with us" we say to the world
Behind us which lacks in knowledge,
Which leaks in it's construction of goodness.
Sound world perhaps
Sounds our health,
Sounds our happiness,
Helps us in our inevitable future.
It is possible to reach the sky
Atleast for once
For all of the world and it's men
To feel great
For having reborn this day!!


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