It's the choice you make

It's the choice you make

Life is one of mildest flowers
Dare not to be plucked
Not even under one's own will
But to reunite with the soul

It's nature's choicest fruit
Closely laid to the lad's embrace
But it takes a little time
To taste till its done

I wondered at God's justice
For he punishes falsehood
Never giving any chance to the beholden
So good you do, you become wise

It's the strongest eyes
That catches glimpses around the world
In doing wonderous feat
By discovering a new land

It's a lover's choice
For he knew to tame his love
Luck playing parts through many births
It's the life's thinnest truths

It's the bygone war
Thats won through deaths of many
Then freedom shines
And mocks at the enemies land



அற்புதம் செய்யும்
ஆங்கிலப் புலமைக்கு
அடியேனின் நல்லாசிகள்!💐💐
Thanga Manivannan sir
A very beautiful poem.While glorifying God and Nature, it teaches us a moral in a subtle manner. _for he punishes... Then freedom shines....! Both in form and content this poem is a cut above your previous ones! Nice!
I forgot to mention that the first line of the poem reminds me of the Tamil verse தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர் தர வாரா! Super!
Manoharan sir
[06/05 22:02] +91 99525 10045: Really I am happy for you because you are blessed with a daughter who is interested in writing,that too poems. A little bit of appreciation and encouragement is our duty.
[06/05 22:20] +91 99525 10045: Thank you very much. My previous message regarding Anandhi was incomplete. I am impressed with her choice of themes of her poems.Her vocabulary is remarkable. I feel, with that, she can go for rhyming words which may add to the appeal of the poems. Her poems are rich in imagination and has human feelings which complement each other. Good night.
Manoharan sir
Thank you.Your words are very precious for her.

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