Drenching soul
Drenching soul
I met a traveller in a land afar
Who says who knew everything sane
He had a soul at giving hands
It drenched unwise and made to wise
All wise men came to his hut
To rename their fate from sadness to happiness
He was called as a man with drenching soul
For he flew from downness to perfection
He then filled other souls with wisdom
And named the soul seekers
I met a traveller in a land afar
Who says who knew everything sane
He had a soul at giving hands
It drenched unwise and made to wise
All wise men came to his hut
To rename their fate from sadness to happiness
He was called as a man with drenching soul
For he flew from downness to perfection
He then filled other souls with wisdom
And named the soul seekers
Manoharan sir