New version of Me and my Fish Tank

Me and my Fish Tank
With warmth and pleasure is what I do
To some fishes caught in nets
I put them in a tank adding artificial sea flavour
Ask them to beautify my home the same while at sea
I give them some munch of green and feed
With water droplets they breathe out sending kisses
In water where they lay throughout the day
Do you smell ocean? I ask them at ease.
Few tweets with a little shakes and shines
Some gave a chase like twilight years
I often wondered at the beauty of the day
And seldom went near the fish tank to recollect my past
Something said future is so certain
I thanked my fishes with all my heart
A fish town - the new beauty which lay...



At last you gave life to the fishes. Observe them keenly and notice that they are blessing you.
Suresh uncle
Thanks a lot uncle.i will observe them.

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